Seeking the Real Life
Today I’ve been touched by two, very short Bible passages. They affirm my dedication to seek God and all the good things in life. This life style does not leave me short-changed. This life style leads into the real life. And not just any kind of life – but glorious life!
Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind
finds life itself—glorious life!
(Proverbs 21:21, MSG,*)
We are to build ourselves up in Christ and by doing so we will be blessed. We can do this by seeking the presence of God in the midst of our every day lives. We sit still and wait upon the Lord. We read the word of God and let it change us. We listen to God and his guidance.
If we seek God with everything we’ve got, we find ourselves at the very center of God’s love. When we are embraced by Jesus, we find the real life. Okay, you say. How to go about it? Let God show you the way. Your job is to show up at Jesus’ feet and spend time with him with your heart open to receive.
God loves to give you everything you need. God adores to pour out grace upon grace on you according to his amazing plan for you.
God cherishes the time you two spend together. And when you do too…that’s when the glorious life flows through you.
Gracious God,
You’ve invited us to live at the center of your love.
That is so amazing yet true.
We want to do so.
Enable us to daily spend special time with you
and always feel your loving presence.
There’s nothing better,
nothing as glorious as being with you.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you live at the center of God’s love?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you seek God with everything you’ve got!
* [As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses to so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.]
Image courtesy of Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Faith-filled Fridays and Faith Barista.
3 thoughts on “Seeking the Real Life”
O’ yes! a glorious life He’s given, full of good loving plans~
heard today someone say, we’ll be sweating His glory when His Word is applied~this IS the Real Life…great shared passages, sis, glory blessings! Crystal<3
I love that expression: sweating His glory when His Word is applied! Woot! May it be so in our lives! Thanks so much, Crystal! You’re God’s gem! Abundant blessings to you as always!
Big Amen, glory on!
we All shine as precious stones that God has in His collection of jewels 😉 it’s great to be used of Him<3