Refreshed, Supported, and Strengthened
Are you painfully conscious of your need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened? Do you know what those things are? How do you get your soul refreshed, supported, and strengthened anyhow? If we hurry and go after all the bling-bling in the world, we will miss it. But if we take time to listen, we find our way to the well.
God has been calling us to the fresh waters long, long time. Already Isaiah prophesied:
Wait and listen, everyone who is thirsty!
Come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat!
Yes, come, buy [priceless, spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price
[simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing].
(Isaiah 55:1, AMP)
Jesus himself invited us to him:
He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said,
From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.
(John 7:38, AMP)
Jesus’ invitation is repeated in the invitation at the end of the book of Revelation:
The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, the true Christians) say, Come!
And let him who is listening say, Come!
And let everyone come who is thirsty
[who is painfully conscious of his need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened];
and whoever [earnestly] desires to do it,
let him come, take, appropriate, and drink the water of Life without cost.
(Rev.22:17, AMP)
The things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened are available for anyone and everyone by grace through faith in Jesus. Prayerfully devour the word of God and be filled with the joy of salvation. Abide in Christ and drink the water of Life without cost. Bask in God’s grace and be filled with the Holy Spirit all the days of your life. Do all these as often as possible and you’re ready for anything the future might bring.
Gracious God,
We need to be refreshed,
supported and strengthened.
Pour out the Living Water.
Pour out grace upon grace
according to our needs
and your plan for us.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you know how to be refreshed, supported, and strengthened?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you drink the water of Life and be refreshed, supported, and strengthened for the journey!
Photo courtesy of James Cronin, design Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Unite the Bloggersphere and #tellhisstory.