God Cares

God Cares

God cares
Do you have any idea how much God cares for you? Because God’s love for you is boundless. God went to great lengths to make a way for us to get back to him. But even that’s not all. God wants to care for you right now, right where you are. God cares for you more than you ever know. No matter what you’ve done or left undone. You are loved.

I waited a long time for the Eternal;
    He finally knelt down to hear me.
    He listened to my weak and whispered cry.
He reached down and drew me
    from the deep, dark hole where I was stranded, mired in the muck and clay.
    With a gentle hand, He pulled me out
To set me down safely on a warm rock;
    He held me until I was steady enough to continue the journey again.
As if that were not enough,
    because of Him my mind is clearing up.
Now I have a new song to sing—
    a song of praise to the One who saved me.
Because of what He’s done, many people will see
    and come to trust in the Eternal.
(Psalm 40:1-3, VOICE,*)

God kneels down to you.
God reaches down to you.
God holds you until you are steady enough.

That’s God Almighty we are talking about here. And he loves you so much and he cares for you so much that he turns to you to listen to you and to help you out. How amazing is that! God is gentle and loving. You are his treasure.

Since God cares for you, let Him carry all your burdens and worries. (1 Peter 5:7, VOICE,*)

What’s on your heart today? Do you need help? Even if you feel that no one cares, God does care no matter what. Turn to God and tell him. He is ready to listen to you and reach out to you just the way you need. Nothing is too small to bring to God. No mess is too big for God. He is ready to help you.

That kind of caring really puts a spring in your step. You are cherished and loved and cared for. Just don’t forget to ask for help. God is waiting for pouring our love upon love and grace upon grace.

We all need tender loving care once in a while. It’s always available. Always according to our needs. Always empowering. What are we waiting for?


Dear God,
We bring to you our concerns, troubles and messes we’ve made.
Help us!
We bring to you our brokenness, sickness and our neediness.
Heal us!
Pour out love upon love.
Turn to us, Lord!
Let us experience your tender loving care.
Reach down to us!
Hold us until we are steady enough.
Empower us with your grace!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Have you experienced God’s tender loving care?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you bask in God’s care!

* [As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses to Biblegateway.com so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.]

I always appreciate if you help sharing the blog posts with your friends & followers. So that everyone might know the love of God, receive the grace of Christ, and live in the presence of the Holy Spirit! Thank you! BLESSINGS!

Photo courtesy of Doug Shelton, design Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Sharing His Beauty, Hear it on Sunday, use it on Monday, Playdates with God, and counting blessings with Ann Voskamp:  #1092 God cares for each of us deeply.

9 thoughts on “God Cares

  1. What a beautiful prayer offered up to our Father. I have experienced His tender loving care. I pray that everyone on this earth He created will also experience it on a daily basis. Blessings to you.

  2. There have been many times when I’ve felt God’s love and care. Even the times when it is not as tangible, I know He is still there watching over me. It is beautiful to be loved by God!

    Blessings, Joan

  3. GOD’s care is w/us daily~if we seek HIM 1st, he will uplift & fill our beings full, TY, Holy Spirit! His precious gift of LOVE to us~we only need to receive w/willingness.
    my current bible is 20+ yrs old, constantly running to the pc, to biblegateway to look up newer translations to compare to my NKJV 🙂
    TY, Mari~Anna, blessings to U & ALL who read ur Spirit~filled posts, may many eyes be opened wide to the faith of Christianity!

    1. That’s my prayer too. That God would use this blog to draw people closer to Him and his tender loving care! Thank you, Crystal. Are you saying you’d like to win the New Testament? (Just making sure so I know who has entered in). Stay blessed, sis. Grace upon grace!

      1. yes, sis! Please & TY :)))
        may we all, as God’s children, experience His transforming Grace, LIBERALLY~HIS Life is an Abundant one…
        even when in doubt or when we mess up, He gently nestles us back to Himself, through His unexhaustable mercy & deep unending love for us, drawing us ever closer to where we need to be…to experience is a real blessing for building our faith!!

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