All Things Through Christ
It’s no secret I love quotes. There are quotes that capture my heart right away and then there are quotes that puzzle me and I need to let them sit for awhile and ask God to reveal the true meaning of them. This quote of Martin Luther is one of the latter kind. Not that I did not like it from the very beginning. But it left me wondering anyhow:
God created the world out of nothing; so as long as we are nothing, he can make something out of us.
I’ve always thought it is amazing that God created the world out of nothing. I’ve always thought it’s awesome that God can change our chaos into something beautiful. But why do we need to stay nothing? Why do we need to be empty in order to be used by God?
God has patiently been answering my questions. It seems I have been reduced in the process. It seems I have become empty. It seems I have become nothing.
It hasn’t been easy. And it hasn’t happened without fight. Even though I have always had this deep desire for God and all the good things. But decreasing to nothing is not easy. We are filled with fears when we are emptied of power. But when we even let go of fears we are truly nothing. And somehow that is the best ever place to be. That is when God can make something out of us.
But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me! (2 Cor.12: 9, AMP, emphasis added)
Hence I want to declare to the whole world that I am nothing. If I ever do anything remarkable it is because of Christ. If I ever bless anybody it is not me but Christ in me.
But I am looking forward to fulfilling God’s plans for me. I am ready for anything through Christ. My goal is to be used by God for his purposes. I can do nothing on my own but all things through Christ. My task is to be empty so I can be filled with the Spirit. My job is to lean on him and let him work through me.
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]. (Phil. 4:13, AMP)
How about you? Are you ready to be reduced to be nothing so God can use you most effective? I know it is very scary. Pray about it. And then let God do the inner work in you. It is not about your piousness. It’s about your emptiness.
The less full of ourselves we are, the more room there is for Jesus.
The weaker we are, the stronger Christ can be in us.
As long as we are nothing, God can use us. May it always be so!
Gracious God,
Take away our fears of becoming nothing.
Take away our selfishness.
May your wild grace change us inside out.
Enable us to become less and Jesus more in us.
Show us the blessings of being nothing.
May we become nothing so you can truly use us
mightily for your purposes.
May you increase in us every day of our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Have you fought against becoming nothing? Have you experienced the blessings of being weak?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you dare to become less so God can be grater in you!
Image courtesy of Ian Barnard. Linking up today with Sharing His Beauty, Hear it on Sunday, use it on Monday, Playdates with God, and counting blessings with Ann Voskamp: #1035 God loves us just for who we are, we don’t need to be something in order to be loved. #1036 The less we are, the more God can use us. #1037 The weaker we are, the stronger Christ is in us.
10 thoughts on “All Things Through Christ”
I’ve fought that fight — I find myself filling up again, but with my own “stuff,” not with more of Him. But He’s always there, ready, willing, with open arms!
Visiting from Playdates today, and I’m glad I did!
Thank you for sharing of your faith journey. Yes, it is an ongoing struggle but blessedly we are not alone. Abundant blessings to you, my new friend. Glad you stopped by!
That is one of those enigmas that I can’t figure out either. But I know God is faithful. And powerful. And if anybody can make something out of nothing, it is HE! Thanks for this reminder to quit trying to do things on my own strength and instead to rest in His.
Yes, God is faithful and we can stake our whole lives on him. And quit trying on our own. Thanks, sister! Blessings to you, Lisa!
Hi Mari-Anna! I am visiting from Hear It On Sunday…
Wow. I am so proud of you! I am still emptying myself everyday, and I’m sure I don’t get all the way down to the bottom. I see it as surrender, and really it’s all the same thing.
So nice to meet you. I love to make new blog-friends!
Happy Monday!
Thank you, Ceil! Just note that this surrendering is a life-long event. I just feel that God has emptied me for now, for something new. So that’s exciting. But I am sure there will be more surrendering in the future. Abundant blessings on your way! P.S. What’s your blog address?
Dear Mari-Anna
I don’t think God interferes as long as we cling onto our own strengths and “works”, but when we willingly humble ourselves under His mighty hand, trusting His great love regardless of what He does, He soon brings us to the place where we cannot but glory in our weakness for we have experienced the joy of Him being our strength!
Much love XX
Yes, Mia, I agree. Thank you for commenting. Joy-filled Blessings!
Beautiful, Mari-Anna. This makes me think of the way Jesus humbled himself by giving up his glory in heaven so that he could come to earth and save us. The theological term, I believe, is Kenosis–self-emptying. I’ve always found that a beautiful, humbling thing.
Thank you for reminding me of kenosis. Yes! And we are to follow Jesus in everything…so if he self-emptied himself, we should do it too. Big and bountiful blessings to you, Laura!