Why Do We Not Quit Believing

Why Do We Not Quit Believing

Why we don't stop believing? Because meeting God changes everything.
Isn’t it utterly amazing that in the midst of truly hard circumstances people still praise the Lord? How on earth do they do that? Why doesn’t everyone just quit believing in God when things get rough?

Psalm 13 gives us some answers.

How long will you forget me, Lord? Forever?
    How long will you hide your face from me?
How long will I be left to my own wits,

    agony filling my heart? Daily?
How long will my enemy keep defeating me?
(Psalm 13:1-2, CEB)

Everyone wants to express their feelings and we are welcome to do that before God. We are free to be authentic. We are free to express out weaknesses, our frustrations, our pain, our desperation. The Bible is full of examples of laments. Jesus himself prayed his heart out to God.

Look at me!
    Answer me, Lord my God!
Restore sight to my eyes!
    Otherwise, I’ll sleep the sleep of death,
and my enemy will say, “I won!”
        My foes will rejoice over my downfall.
(Psalm 13:3-4, CEB)

Everyone wants to be heard and that’s exactly what God does. He hears. He comes alongside in our pain. We are not left alone. We are heard. We are valued. We are loved. We are affirmed. Because faith is not just a set of belief we adhere but a personal relationship with Living God.

But I have trusted in your faithful love.
    My heart will rejoice in your salvation.
Yes, I will sing to the Lord

    because he has been good to me.
(Psalm 13:5-6, CEB)

Nobody hangs on to faith that does not work. Hence there really must be something that works, right? And that’s exactly what perseverance is all about. When we lament, when we pray, when we read the word of God, we meet God.

And meeting God changes everything.

When we encounter the Living God, nothing else matters. As long as we can abide in Christ, we are satisfied. As long as we are eternally linked with the God of Light and Love, we are joyful. As long as we are Spirit-filled, we have everything we need.

Nothing can separate us from God’s love in this world. We are his.

The more we interact with him, the more joyful we are.
And that has nothing to do with outer circumstances.
The more we abide in Christ, the more purposeful we are.
And that has nothing to do with ambition.
The more often we meet with God, the more praise-filled we are.
And that has nothing to do with personality.

But all these have everything to do with the Living God.
He breathes life into us. He saves, soothes, sustains. He guides us home.

When we have personally met God, there is no way we will quit believing. Because then we know life is more than this physical world. We know that God is more real than anything else.


Gracious God,
Become real to all of us.
Make your face shine on us.
Fill us with your Spirit.
Be our everything.
Make us glow for you.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: How has God convinced you of his love?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you rejoice in every situation!

Giving thanks today for
#811 the Living God!
#812 God wants to meet with us
#813 God wants to interact with us
#814 God wants to sustain us
#815 God strengthens the voice of heaven in tough places
#816 We can express our real feelings to God
#817 God truly listens to us
#818 We don’t need to fake it before God
#819 God takes care of us
#820 Nothing can separate us from God’s love

Image courtesy of Paule Patterson. Linking up today with Linking up today with What’s on Your Heart Tuesdays Wordfilled Wednesday, All Things Heart & Home , God-Bumps and God-incidences , Work in Progress, Come to the Table, and

12 thoughts on “Why Do We Not Quit Believing

  1. “The more we interact with him, the more joyful we are.

    And that has nothing to do with outer circumstances.” So true! Thanks for the excellent post!

  2. “Everyone wants to be heard and that’s exactly what God does. He hears.” …. Yes, so true. What a good, good word for us. Thank you for sharing, Mari-Anna.

  3. “He breaths life into us. He saves, soothes, sustains. He guides us home.” I felt such a sense of relief and refreshing when I read this! Oh, I’m so thankful that we have a living, loving, life-giving Lord! Thank you for sharing this!
    I’m a new follower via Internet Cafe and would love to invite you to visit and , if blessed, follow!

  4. So grateful He has not left us alone as you wrote. He does hear and He does care. Thanks for sharing what is true about Him. Blessings, Mari-Anna 🙂

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