Abiding in the Tree of Life
We are called to have an intimate and organic relationship with Jesus.
We are called to abide in the tree of life.
How can we do that?
Only by faith.
Only by grace.
We can read about the Tree of Life throughout the Bible. We are first introduced to the tree of life at the Paradise (Genesis 2:9). But the most fascinating vision is found in the book of Revelation:
The Tree of Life was planted on each side of the River, producing twelve kinds of fruit, a ripe fruit each month. (Rev.22:2, MSG, emphasis added)
The tree of life was producing different kinds of fruit! What a wild idea! Just think: getting apples and oranges from the same tree! And more! We all know that a tree can’t naturally do this. But this is how things will be when we are all united at the end. There will be no lack of fruit of any kind.
“I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples. (John 15:5-8, MSG)
When we combine these two images of bearing fruit, we realize that we won’t be forced into one-fit-for-all mode but we can be unique. When we abide in Christ, we will bear fruit. But we will not necessarily bear the same kind of fruit. Your branch may bear cherries, my branch might bear prunes. We are all needed, wanted, and cherished.
As long as we abide in Christ, we are producing the very fruit God wants us to produce and the harvest is sure to be abundant. But separated, there won’t be any fruit, not even a lemon. Just deadwood.
But if we do make ourselves at home with Jesus and we let the words of Jesus be at home in us, we are blessed beyond measure. Then the kingdom of God is already within us wherever we go and whatever happens. Then we are producing and enjoying all kind of fruit in our lives: love,joy, peace,forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control and so much more. Yet this is only a foretaste of things to come!
Gracious God,
Your ways are so much better than our ways.
Be praised forever and ever!
We want to abide in you.
You are what makes our lives worthy.
You are what makes our lives abundant.
Be praised forever and ever!
Bring us home to you!
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U:Have you ever thought what kind of fruit God has planned to produce through you?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you produce fruit according to God’s plans!
Giving thanks today for
#771 God is more than we can imagine
#772 God knows what He is doing
#773 I can abide in Him by faith
#774 God has made us unique
#775 God has made our fruit unique
#776 being at home in Jesus
#777 by grace our harvest is abundant
#778 the world is in God’s hands
#779 the fruit-bearing is in God’s hands
#780 God is waiting for us at home
Image courtesy of Wikipedia. Linking up today with Linking up today with What’s on Your Heart Tuesdays , Wordfilled Wednesday, All Things Heart & Home , God-Bumps and God-incidences , Work in Progress, One Word at a Time: Orange, Come to the Table, and
17 thoughts on “Abiding in the Tree of Life”
We are studying the Tree of Life this week in BSF!! I love what you’ve brought to light here! I believe God is producing some fruit in my online presence. I think encouraging other women and teaching Biblical truth is my mission here.
Wow! Great timing! And, yes, you’re beautifully bearing fruit online! Thanks for sharing, Mary Beth! Hope you will blog about what you’re learning in BSF! BLESSINGS!
Abiding in His presence and inviting Him to abide in me through scripture and worship music was impressed on me in mid-August. I see now that He is doing a deeper healing work in me and was preparing me for it.
How exciting! It is a huge blessing to know God is at work in you. May God bless you beyond your wildest dreams!
Glad I found you this morning! The Tree of Life is one of many areas in God’s Word that thrills me to see that He has plans to bring man to full circle (man began with Him in paradise and will spend eternity the same). I know His purpose for me is to urge His people to pursue Him endlessly while in this world. From such a relationship He has fruit for each of us to bear!
I’m right with you. The Tree of Lise definitively thrills me, too. God’s plans are so much higher than ours! Delightful to meet you, sis! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Keep on shining and glowing for God! Abundant blessings!
God is so good!
I’m so glad I get to be unique. I don’t know why I sometimes try to fit into a mold, just the world I guess.
I love that scripture from Rev. I’ll have to go and read that whole section. Such new insight- thank you!
Yes, God is sooo good! We get to be unique because God created us to be unique! Thank you, TC! May God continue to bless you!
God is awesome.
Yes, He is! Hallelujah! God bless you, Denise!
I love this thought that God has made our fruit unique (775). Makes the whole “fruit basket” a lot more interesting, doesn’t it? 🙂
And a lot more colorful! 🙂 Thanks, Jennifer! Abundant blessings to you!
Lovely thoughts Mari Anna. I love any symbolism involving plants –I’m a horticulturalist… I understand the value of pruning and I’m so glad our God prunes us for better fruit!
Thank you, Debra, for sharing. It means a lot coming from a horticulturalist. I’d love to hear more of your observations! Growth-filled Blessings!
Beautiful post, Mari Anna! thanks for sharing this with us. Blessings!
Thank you, Renee! May God bless you abundantly!