Three Practical Steps for Healing
Have you ever been so severely crushed that you thought you’re never going to recover? Have you been in such a storm that you thought you’re never going to make it?
I’ve been there. But because of God’s mighty grace I made it. Most people don’t even guess I’d ever experienced anything so publicly humiliating and personally devastating.
I’ve experienced God’s healing grace like Mary DeMuth writes in her new book Everything: “He [God] wants us to heal so fully from the past that folks wouldn’t know we even walked all those trails of tears.”
What happened?
When I was in my twenties, I was married to a pastor who – just out of blue – ran away with a married youth minister. Everything else but God was gone from my life just like that.
But when we have God, we have everything even though we don’t have anything. God proved to be real and relevant. He healed me and has sent me to tell others that God’s grace is amazingly wonderful. Not just on days when things are well, but also in any storm that comes our way.
God is our refuge and strength,
a help always near in times of great trouble.
That’s why we won’t be afraid when the world falls apart,
when the mountains crumble into the center of the sea,
when its waters roar and rage,
when the mountains shake because of its surging waves.
The Lord of heavenly forces is with us!
The God of Jacob is our place of safety.
(Psalm 46:1-3, 7, CEB)
When it comes to healing, don’t settle for superficial fix-up. It does not last. Self-help does not work either. It does not bring peace. We need God. We need Jesus. We need grace upon grace.
How do you get it? Just ask. God adores to pour our healing grace. But here are three practical steps for healing:
1) Give it to Jesus. Give your sorrows, burdens, worries to Jesus. Receive grace and peace in return.
2) Deal with regrets. Breath out the regrets, breath in the Holy Spirit.
3) Let God define you. Let go of the lies, embrace God’s vision for you.
Repeat as many time as needed.
With the words of Mary: “My heart for you is that you’ll experience uncaged, joyful freedom. That you’ll be wily enough to silence the Enemy’s lies that yell, “Your cage is locked! You’re doomed to be stuck in the past!” That you’ll take one step out of the door, away from the comfortable cage, and flex your wings a little. Dare to be brave today, and trust that when you extend your wings, you will fly.”
Gracious God,
We come to you broken and crushed.
Pour out your healing grace
and send your angels to minister to brokenhearted.
Thank you that you are stronger than any storms in our lives.
Take our burdens, our regrets, all the lies we’ve believed or ourselves.
Free us, heal us, give us your peace.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Has God healed you?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you seek healing and wholeness in Jesus!
Image courtesy of Daniel Sauceda. Linking up today with Thought-Provoking Thursdays and Faith Filled Friday.
8 thoughts on “Three Practical Steps for Healing”
Such a powerful reminder my sister. Thank you for your honesty and grace, it has ministered to me this morning. I have seen those elements in my healing process from a childhood of abuse and the power of forgiveness as well. God is so very good!
Thank you, Jay, for your support! Yes, we should not forget the power of forgiveness! Praise God for his powerful healing grace! May God continue to bless you and keep you in his grace!
I just love your work–and experience. It really encourages me to continue in the Call that God has placed on my life which, as we both know, is larger than life. Thank you for your ministry.
PS. I will reach out soon to get help with linking my posts. (I have had to move and my families health has been under attack. God has been victorious through it all, but I must say it has taken a physical toll!) But for now, back to blogging–no execuses!
Thanks so much, Marlene, for your encouraging words. Sorry to hear about the health problems. Healing grace to all of you! And I’m glad to help whenever you’re ready. Energy-filled Blessings!
What a blessing to have connected with you via Intentional Me! Yes, I was lost in a storm for some time but He gave me Psalm 46:10, sent me on a mission to understand that scripture and I’ve been resting, trusting and hoping in Him since.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It is always a blessing to meet others who could have had a different ending, who should have lost their mind but somehow, miraculously, held onto the One who held them first. Grateful for you Mari-Anna. And, congratulations on the new venture!
Great to connect with you, Diana! And thank you for your kind and encouraging words. There’s nothing better than “resting, trusting and hoping in Him”. It is indeed a blessing to meet God’s children that are by God’s grace overcoming big storms in their lives. Looking forward to sharing and learning more with you. Bountiful Blessings!
Yes, God is healing me.
Praise God! May God continue to bless you and keep you!