God-Seekers, Be Jubilant!
Do you take God seriously? Do you trust God to fulfill his promises? If you do….then be jubilant! Be exuberant! Our God is an awesome God!
Why do we then drag along without joy? We forget to remember the good deeds God has done in our lives. We forget to praise God and worship him. But if we do not worship we are “swept into a vast restlessness, epidemic in the world, with no steady direction and no sustaining purpose“, says Edmund Clowney.
God does not need our worship or praise. But we do. Sam storms states that our satisfaction in God is incomplete until expressed in praise of Him for satisfying us. Hence God’s efforts to solicit our worship is both the most loving thing He could do to us and the most glorifying thing he could do for himself. Sam Storms concludes “For in my gladness in Him is His glory in me”.
Thank God! Call out his Name!
Tell the whole world who he is and what he’s done!
Sing to him! Play songs for him!
Broadcast all his wonders!
(I Chronicles 16:8-9, MSG)
When we worship, our whole inner being is redirected and refocused on God. That’s when we find balance. That’s when we find peace. That’s when we find hope. God needs to be the center of our lives. Only then we can be jubilant. Only then we can be full of joy and zeal.
This is only possible when we keep on reveling in God. This is only possible when we keep on praising, thanking, and worshipping God. As Edmund Clowney puts it “Failure to worship consigns us to a life of spasms and jerks, at the mercy of every advertisement, every seduction, every siren. Without worship we live manipulated and manipulating lives”. Lord, have mercy!
The longer we go without worship and praise,
the more joyless we become.
The less we worship,
the more we depend on ourselves.
The more we focus on ourselves,
the further from God we live.
Like John Piper has said “Trying to work for God without worshipping God results in joyless legalism. Work minus worship magnifies your will power not God’s worth. If you try to do things for God without delighting in God you bring dishonor upon God. Serving God without savoring God is lifeless and unreal”. What to do then?
Revel in his holy Name,
God-seekers, be jubilant!
Study God and his strength,
seek his presence day and night;
Remember all the wonders he performed,
the miracles and judgments that came out of his mouth.
(I Chronicles 16:10-12, MSG)
To be Christian is to be jubilant. Because our God is awesome, amazing and very much alive. If you do not feel the joy of the Lord, stay in the presence of God until you do.
To be Christian is to praise and worship God. Because when we truly worship God, we are changed. When we wholeheartedly praise God, we are blessed.
Gracious God,
We worship you!
Change us according to your will.
We praise you!
Bless us according to our needs.
We revel in you!
Make us exuberant and jubilant
because you are our awesome God!
We adore you!
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: What’s your take on praise and worship? Do you need it?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you broadcast all the wonders of God!
Giving thanks today for
#491 to be Christian is to be jubilant
#492 to be Christian is to praise and worship God
#493 when we worship, God changes us
#494 when we praise Him, God blesses us
#495 we find everything in God
#496 God is the source of life
#497 in God we find balance
#498 in God we find peace
#499 God is worthy of praise
#500 God wants us to be joyfully jubilant
Image courtesy of Dove Media Productions. Linking up today with Linking up today with What’s on Your Heart Tuesdays , Wordfilled Wednesday ,God-Bumps & God-Incidences and One Word at a time:Jubilant Blog Carnival.
14 thoughts on “God-Seekers, Be Jubilant!”
Thanks for this! Worship feeds our joy, without it we are lost. I love this: “our satisfaction in God is incomplete until expressed in praise of Him for satisfying us.” So much truth here today, so very glad I stopped by!
Thanks, Christina! Worship indeed feeds our joy! Well said. Thanks for sharing. Abundant blessings to you!
That is a powerful quote by Piper! Thanks so much for sharing.
It’s amazing how wonderful it feels to worship our God. Praise God, for He is good!
He is indeed good. All the time! Thanks so much for commenting, TC. Bountiful blessings to you and yours!
I love when you “broadcast his wonders” here in this place. 🙂
Thank you, Jennifer. 🙂 Blessings to your broadcasting!
“God does not need our worship or praise. But we do.” I loved this phrase, Mari-Anna. And it is so true. You post made me feel joyful, thanks for that. And praise the Lord!!!
Yes! Let’s praise the Lord! He is SO good! Thank you, Cris, for commenting. May God continue to bless, keep, and guide you!
Nice post.
Thanks, Denise, for feedback! Stay blessed, sis!
Worship is my key spiritual movement. To be honest, I have trouble praying for people and their particular situations. Why? Because I don’t know what’s going on under the surface and I don’t know what the desire of the Lord is. So, I worship. I thank Him for being the Source of victory. I thank Him for revealing the Truth to those who will need it. And I thank Him for restoring our losses, in spirit, soul, and body, and helping us walk closer and closer to Him And WORSHIP!
Thanks for sharing your insight.
How wonderful! Worship is a way to pray especially when we don’t know what to pray. The Holy Spirit will pray through us. Thanks so much, Joanne, for sharing. Blessings to you and yours!
I will praise Him at all times, his praise will continually be in my mouth!
YES! That’s the way to go, Hazel! Thank you for sharing. May God pour out blessings upon blessings on you & yours!