Are You Plugged in to God?

Are You Plugged in to God?

Do you ever wonder…
…why your faith isn’t flowing?
…why your faith is not growing?
…why your faith seems not to be doing what you expected it to be doing?Are you plugged in?

David Jeremiah’s quote guides us to find answers to those questions:
“Have you ever changed a light bulb or called a television repairman only to find out the appliance simply wasn’t plugged in? Don’t go through life like that! This is no time to be disconnected. Get plugged in and see God’s energy bring good things to light in your life.”

If you’re not plugged in to God, your faith can’t be flowing.
Because it is God who sustains our faith.
If you’re not connected to God, your faith is not maturing.
Because it is God who gives spiritual growth.
If you’re not living in Christ, your faith is withering.
Because it is not us performing but God working through us.

The Spirit can make life. Sheer muscle and willpower don’t make anything happen. Every word I’ve spoken to you is a Spirit-word, and so it is life-making. (John 6:63, MSG)

What to do then? Run to God. Daily. Make sure you’re plugged in to God. By prayer, by reading Scripture, by basking in his presence. Spend time with God. Because that is the most important relationship you ever have.

As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. (1 Peter1: 14-15, MSG)

You’re meant to shine!
Your faith is meant to flow!
Your life is meant to be energetic and blazing with holiness!

All this is yours free of charge if you just remain plugged in to God.
Because God is the source of life.
And because God loves you more than you can ever imagine.


Gracious God,
You truly are the source of life.
Be praised forever and ever!
Thank you for the gift of life.
Enable us to receive it with awe.
We want to stay in your grace.
Empower us through your Son.
Make us blazing with holiness!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: What do you do when you find yourself disconnected from God?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you stay plugged in to the Source of Life!

Giving thanks today for
#411 the eternal source of Life
#412 we are not to create energy but be connected to the Energy
#413 God’s power is more than enough for us
#414 God will never run out of energy
#415 our job is to be plugged in to God, He takes care of the rest.
#416 with God we can do anything
#417 God’s energy is life-giving
#418 self-help leads to death, God-help leads to life
#419 holiness is from God
#420 God wants to bless us
Image courtesy of Daniel R. Linking up today with Wordfilled Wednesday, God-Bumps & God-Incidences.

6 thoughts on “Are You Plugged in to God?

  1. Hi Mari-Anna, I hopped over from Getting Down With Jesus, and I’m so glad I did!

    Staying plugged in can be challenging in our over-stimulated culture. What helps me is to take frequent “silences” during the day – no noise and as little visual stimulation as I can manage (tv, computer, etc). I take long, relaxing breaths and spend a few minutes in prayer. I  ask the Lord to help me be productive and finish what needs to be done, but also to help me be aware of His presence and any opportunities He brings my way.

    Thanks for your encouraging post!

  2. If I wasn’t plugged in to the Lord every day all the time forever, I wouldn’t be functioning in any fashion, would be”dead”.  Not that I like to use this as an example, but I’d look like a zombie.  Putting one foot in front of the other, but that would be it.  Instead, my life is filled with joy and relief and encouragement and blessing … partly b/c I am able to bless others.  What a treat.

    David Jeremiah is a good teacher… and that is a good quote and you put the pieces together beautifully.  Thanks much.

  3. Great analogy. I had to laugh at the plug-in comment. When our Keurig broke a while back, I called the company. And the first thing they asked me to check was whether the appliance was plugged in. “Of course it is!” I said with a laugh. … .And the guy on the other end of the line said that I’d be surprised at how many people aren’t plugged in. 

    I want to live a plugged-in life. 

    Thanks for this. 

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