Is Joyful Living a Sin?
Is it wrong to have fun and enjoy life? Is it okay to love life? Is joyful living a sin? These are questions that used to haunt me as a teenager. I was on the verge of independence, eager to start out my own life. I had grown to love the Lord more than anything but I didn’t know if it was okay to have fun, enjoy life. I have a bubbly personality so this was indeed an important question for me. Should I suppress my joy?
What did I learn? I struggled, prayed, talked to mentors, struggled, prayed and finally came to an understanding that, actually, it would be a sin not to love LIFE that God has given you. We are not to love the world or things of the world but we are to love life and the Giver of Life. Loving life is the best thank you we can give to the Giver of Life. We are to love life and live our lives with thankful and joyful hearts. “Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad!” (Philippians 4:4, CEB)
We are to enjoy ice skating and family fun! We are to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets. We are to enjoy good laughs and sharing our life with others. We are to enjoy this life that God has given us. As long as we remember the Giver of Life and give thanks and praise for him. As long as we embrace what Jesus is asking us to do: “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27, CEB)
We are not to be of the world but we have been placed to live in the world. It is a challenge to live a balanced life as a follower of Christ but we are not alone on this journey. God is willing to help us each step of the way if we are willing to receive the help.
I know that there’s nothing better for them but to enjoy themselves and do what’s good while they live. Moreover, this is the gift of God: that all people should eat, drink, and enjoy the results of their hard work. (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, CEB)
Jerry Bridges points out that “God intends the Christian life to be a life of joy – not drudgery. The idea that holiness is associated with a dour disposition is a caricature of the worst sort. In fact, just the opposite is true. Only those who walk in holiness experience true joy.”
Our joy is not happiness of the worldly pleasures. Our joy is far deeper than that. Happiness depends on happenings but joy depends on Christ. God has brought us from the land of death into the land of living!
Saint Augustine states “A Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot.” Indeed! God has blessed us with the joy of salvation! God has blessed us with a beautiful world! God has blessed us with grace upon grace! What’s not to like? Sure, there are struggles. Sure, there are bad days. Sure, there are sad things in this world. But we have been made right with God! We are citizens of God’s kingdom! We are called to love and serve the Lord!
Mother Theresa has said “Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.” Joyful living is not a sin but a spiritual fruit God can use to catch souls.
Gracious God,
Thank you for giving us life!
Thank you for giving us joy!
Thank you for giving us your grace!
Show us how to live out our joy in Christ!
Show us how to live with gusto!
Empower us to love you over everything else
and our neighbors as ourselves.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: What are your reflections on joy of living?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you embrace grace and live with gusto!
Image courtesy of Vince Farrell. Linking up today with Thought-Provoking Thursdays &
10 thoughts on “Is Joyful Living a Sin?”
that sounds like a marvelous Bible, I would love to win it. More than that….i am thankful for this reminder…YES, we are to enjoy this beautiful world he created for us! Thank you!
That’s great, Rebecca! And,yes, Jesus came so we could have abundant life in Him! Thank you for chiming in! Joy-filled blessings!
love love love this post!! there is JOY through sorrow and I want to live my Christian life so that others want the joy that lives within me!!
{{HUGS}} for this great post!!
Thank you, Marie! There is indeed JOY through sorrow when we are in Christ. Yes, may God shine through us! 🙂 Hugs and special blessings to you, sis!
Great post! I am focusing on joy this year by keeping a gratitude journal. 🙂
Thank you, Jenni! Counting our blessings is a wonderful way to fully embrace real joy. Good for you! May God shower blessings upon blessings on you!
Why shouldn’t we be joyous. He created us so we could be happy. Remember a joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones (Pro 17:22).
Indeed! I agree. It should be that simple. Sometimes we -wrongly- assume we’d be more pious by being less joyous.Thank you for chiming in, brother! BLESSINGS!
I disagree. Life on earth is to be agony. Allthe good things on earth are from devil.
We are not to partake in anything he offers on earth. We must suffer struggle, hurt and have difficult times here because of our sin. If we want to get to heaven. We must expwrience the agony of life first. If we make it miserably through this life wothout engaging in fun joy or happiness and instead pay the price for our awful nature with suffering, misery and heartache, then maybe we will get to be with God and Jesus when our time here is through. I could be wrong, but thats how I see it.
Thanks for commenting, Gary. But the only way to get to heaven is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. No agony needed. Just Jesus. Blessings to you as you seek Him with everything you’ve got!