Christians & Friday the 13th
Does your Christian faith influence your take on Friday the 13th? Or do you still feel skirmish?
It might be Friday the 13th but “This is the day the LORD acted; we will rejoice and celebrate in it!”. (Ps.118:24, CEB) Yes, let’s rejoice! It might be Friday the 13th but all the promises of the Bible are in effect also today.
Earlier, before you knew God personally, you were enslaved to so-called gods that had nothing of the divine about them. But now that you know the real God—or rather since God knows you—how can you possibly subject yourselves again to those paper tigers? For that is exactly what you do when you are intimidated into scrupulously observing all the traditions, taboos, and superstitions associated with special days and seasons and years. I am afraid that all my hard work among you has gone up in a puff of smoke! (Gal.4:8-11, MSG, emphasis added)
So, are you superstitious or a Christian? You can’t be both. You either believe in God and his power to set you free or you don’t. You either live in fear or you live in God’s grace. You are either a slave of superstitions or you are a free child of God.
Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk. They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings. But that’s not the way of Christ. Everything of God gets expressed in him, so you can see and hear him clearly. You don’t need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without him. When you come to him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything. (Col.2:8-10, MSG, emphasis added)
If you have difficulty laying down your superstitious fears, ask God to help. The Holy Spirit will enable you to let go of your fears and you will be ready to rejoice and be glad even when it’s Friday the 13th. Walk the Christian walk every day of the year. God’s grace and peace will be with you always!
Gracious God,
We bring to you all our fears,
all our hesitation about Friday the13th.
Show us how to let go all of our fears,
all our superstitions.
We praise you that you’re almighty!
We praise you that your promises are always true.
Help us to live in your grace and peace every day of our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: What’s your take on Friday the 13th? Have you had difficulties of letting go of your superstitions?
Be super blessed, fellow pilgrim, on this Friday the 13th! Let’s rejoice!
Image courtesy of Sherman Jackson. This post was refurbished from last year.Linking up today with Brag on God Friday.
12 thoughts on “Christians & Friday the 13th”
Great topic. Thanks for linking up. 🙂
Thank you, Laura! God bless you!
Excellent points you make, Mari-Anna, and supported by Scripture too, as they should be. It is to God’s Word that we should always look for guidance as to how we live our lives and what our attitudes should be.
I am so glad that I kept this page open after reading it the other day, as I am now going to send the link to a friend who has sent me one of those silly chain-letters which start out as a nice encouraging message, but then ends with such nonsense as I have copied below. To me, these sorts of messages represent the same sort of superstition. Please correct me if you think I am wrong. Here is the ending to the aforesaid email: ” If you believe in God, sendthis message on. Please don’t ignore it, you are being tested. God isgoing to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe inGod, DROP EVERYTHING & PASS IT ON. TOMORROW WILL BETHE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.DON’T BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO 10 FRIENDS IN 10 MIN ”
Ridiculous, or not?
Thank you, Annette, for your comment. I think we need to be really careful for NOT trying to manipulate God and/or manipulate others in the name of God. And that is what the chain letter was trying to do. We should not use God’s name in vain. Because God is holy and almighty.
Hugs and blessings to you, sis. Hope this helped. Abundant blessings to you as you walk boldly in His footsteps.
Wow! God is SO at work in your life, Mari-Anna! This is freaky, I actually had started out my comment on the email using the word “manipulative”, but then I decided that might appear a bit harsh, so I deleted it and went for the ‘softer’ word “silly”, so I was blown away to see that you had used the same word I was initially thinking. It confirms that I should have gone with my first instinct. lol As does your use of the term “walk BOLDLY in His footsteps”.
Thank you and bless you, sister! Praise God that he has connected me with people like you and for the way he uses us to help each other to confirm our right thoughts and dispel wrong ideas.
Yes, we indeed need each other! What a blessing it is to encounter other followers of Christ along the Way! God bless you richly, sister! Stay in touch!
amen! i agree with you fully! thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Peggy! Abundant blessings to you, sister!
Awesome thanks for sharing. I found this while doing research for my blog post on Friday the 13th and the Full Moon. A Christian view. Check out my blog at
Glad you found your way over here. And thank you, Steve! Blessings upon blessings!