God’s Ways R Always Good
When something odd and new comes around we are suspicious. When something unexpected happens in our lives we tend to cling to the old and familiar. Even if we are unhappy with the old. Because it is, at least, something we know. Too often we pass by good things because we don’t dare to taste, touch or try something new out.
That almost happened to the people of Israel when God sent them bread from heaven, manna (Exodus 16). In Hebrew “manna” means “What is it?” Manna was God’s way to provide for his people. But the people of Israel were very suspicious. They had not seen anything like it before. It was something truly odd and certainly unfamiliar. But they did dare to taste it. And it was all good. God’s way to fed the people was unfamiliar and odd. But manna proved to be a huge blessing. It kept the people of Israel fed for 40 years in the wilderness.
As for God, His way is perfect! The word of the Lord is tested and tried; He is a shield to all those who take refuge and put their trust in Him. (Psalm 18:30, AMP)
There are many things God sends into our lives that are unexpected (or not what we expected). What do we do with them? Do we send God’s gifts back because they were not what we thought we needed? Do we pass by blessings if they are packaged little differently than what is cool right now? Do we leave blessings untouched if they interrupt our lives? Do we pass by if we have to ask “What is it”? Or do we trust God to give us what is best for us? Because God’s ways are perfect. Even if we can’t see the outcome yet.
This all comes back to trust and surrender. Who is the Lord and the Master of our lives? Does God have our permission to do whatever he thinks is best for us? Or do we keep the right to veto God’s plans for us? Is our trust to God conditional? Or are we ready to surrender everything to God trusting that his way really is perfect?
In order to be able to trust God 100% we need to know that he wants only what is good for us. (This does not mean that there never would be difficult things in our lives but we can trust that even then God is with us & will take care of us). When we know that God’s ways are always good and his plans for us are perfect we can let go and let God.
The more we surrender, the freer we are.
The freer we are, the more we believe.
The more we believe, the more we trust.
The more we trust, the more blessed we become.
The more blessed we become, the more we surrender.
Gracious God,
Forgive us for overlooking your gifts.
Forgive our doubting your will.
Forgive us for wanting to veto your plans for us.
Enable us to fully trust and truly surrender to you.
May Thy will be done in our lives!
Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else!
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Have you experienced odd blessings?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you place your live before God day by day!
Image courtesy of Christian ClipArt . Linking up with Brag on God Fridays & Friday Favorite Things @Finding Joy
6 thoughts on “God’s Ways R Always Good”
Wonderful post. We were just discussing manna this week as part of our homeschool. I was talking to my kids about how they would look at the blessing and not get it, or grumble about it, and not see if for what it really was — a gift. Your post serves as a wonderful reminder to keep our eyes open for the abundance of blessings that the Lord provides.
Thank you, Rachel! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, God’s thinking is so much bigger and better than ours! Keeping an open attitude is necessary to keep up with God! 😉 Blessings to you and yours!
this is so true. things have often been blessings “in disguise” in my life, but when the disguise comes off it’s amazing and awe-inspiring to see how God truly orchestrated the events to bring about His perfect plan.
Thanks for your comment, Carissa! God is in action in our lives for sure. May our ability to recognize blessings increase! God bless you!
“Or are we ready to surrender everything to God trusting that his way really is perfect?” Love this. Thank you!
Thank you, Laura! Yes, it is one of the key questions to ask our selves! Blessings to you!