Random Spiritual Acts of Kindness

Random Spiritual Acts of Kindness

Lately God has been teaching me about reaching out to others as the Spirit prompts me. I call these happenings random spiritual acts of kindness. They are not about us. They are all about God. These are happening because Jesus whispers something to us and we can’t shrug it off. Believe me, Jesus is very persistent in whispering until I agree to do as prompted. We just have to obey no matter how odd it is. Or how minor it is.

For example, few weeks ago at church there was an older lady sitting behind us. I knew that I had never seen her before but Jesus kept whispering to me during the worship that I need to inquire her if she had sorrow in her life and to promise to pray for her. So I did that after the worship. I turned to her, laid my hand on her arm and asked if she had sorrow in her life. We had this random spiritual encounter that brought tears into our eyes. I still pray for her and I am still in awe of God for this random spiritual act of kindness that I was blessed to participate. God is amazing.

All these random spiritual acts of kindness are not that big at all. We might just offer our hand to someone in need. Or loan a child’s safety seat to a missionary couple. But they are all initiated by the Spirit. I think this is more of God training us to see the people in need around us and obeying his commands than how big of a help we can bring. But, sure, I can see also the people being surprised by these random spiritual acts of kindness. I can see how Jesus answers people’s prayers by sending me (or someone else) to touch their lives in some small ways. I think we are all equally blessed whether we are the ones nudged to do these random spiritual acts of kindness or the ones that are at the receiving end. Because it is not about us. It is about the Holy Spirit working in and through our lives. It is about God with us, alive and gently moving around us. It is about our loving God taking care of us.

How can you be part of random spiritual acts of kindness? Simply pray. Pray that God could use you and that you could clearly hear Jesus whispering in your heart when it is time to act. Remember, it is God-initiated. Also bring your petitions into God in prayer. God listens to your prayers. The power of prayer is unlimited. When you leave your concerns and worries to God and trust that God will act it will happen. Don’t pick your burdens back on your shoulders but wait for God to act. Let these spiritual acts of kindness happen in your life. Let God show you his power to take care of you. Let God show you how you can be part of his work in the world. God is powerful, God is amazing and we have all been called to be his partners in his work. How wonderful is that!? Praise the Lord!


Gracious God,
You are so holy, so amazingly wonderful.
Be praised forever!
Thank you for caring for us so deeply.
Thank you for calling us to work with you.
Help us hear your voice urging us to reach to others.
Give us courage to offer random spiritual acts of kindness as you direct us.
Give us peace to receive random spiritual acts of kindness when we are in need.
Thank you for being wonderfully powerful.
Thank you for being present in our lives.
Be praised forever!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: What random spiritual acts of kindness have you been experiencing lately?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you pray, live, move in the Spirit! May God work great spiritual acts of kindness in and through you!

This post is part of


Photo courtesy of Marian Trinidad

6 thoughts on “Random Spiritual Acts of Kindness

  1. Beautiful blog post. That’s is awesome what you did and how well you listen to what I often call, “The Nudge.” It’s what I tell my prayer team to listen to that “nudge” and approach when feeling led.

    1. Thank you, Nikole! More we listen to that “nudge” easier it becomes but it’s really hard to explain to others. But it sure is a blessing to be God’s fool! Great to connect with you! Abundant blessings to you!

  2. Hi Mari-Anna!

    I’m so happy to meet you and hear your wonderful words in the faith jam! Random acts of kindess is not visible, but God says our Father in heaven sees and He rewards. 😉 I think we get rewarded with joy — and you have expressed it so beautiful in your post here! Thank you! Blessings as you continue to pour out your faith to bless those around you.

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