Learning to Walk on the Water

Learning to Walk on the Water

There are times when my head takes over my heart. You see, I do trust God to be good. Yet sometimes I seem to be hesitant to instantly obey. I don’t want to delay my responses to God’s commands but sometimes it does happen. There are times when my head says “Wait a minute! Could this really be happening to me? Maybe I should take a pause and think about this before doing anything in haste. But “it’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.”  (Hebrews 11:6, MSG)

I do trust that God is working in me to make me more like him. This year my goal is to not leave any room for doubts and just prayerfully proceed to obey and act upon God’s guidance as prompted. I do want to walk on the water. I do want to obey by an act of faith. I do want to act as courageously as our ancestors.

This week I was reminded of the fact that God is not manipulative. No matter what kind of sad experiences we have had with people trying to get us to do things. God is not manipulative. There is no hidden motives or agendas when it comes to God. We don’t need to keep our guard up when we are around God. Because “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, NIV)

Learning to trust is one of the most difficult things in life. Especially if we haven’t had trustworthy adults around us as growing up. Or someone close to us has betrayed us. But nothing is impossible to God, he can heal all of us and teach us to trust him like it would be the most natural thing for us.

How to do it then? How to get rid of doubts? How to walk on the water? By the grace of God! Bring all your doubts, worries, and everything that is keeping your from trusting God and proceeding in faith to God. Give all your junk to God. He is happy to receive your burdens, doubts, and unbelief. He is happy to replace all that with trust, peace, and joy. Believe me. And if you don’t believe me, try it yourself. Pray and let God have all the bad stuff in your life. Stay in prayer and receive God’s grace, love, and peace. Because our God is an awesome God. He loves you and wants good things for you.

I know -from my own experience- that the more I trust God, the more blessed I feel.
The more I trust God, the more complete I feel.
The more I trust God, the more I am becoming like Peter and walk on the water.
The more I trust God, the more real the invisible world becomes.

Gracious God,
We bring all the bad stuff in our lives to you.
All our hurts, all our wounds we give to you.
Exchange them to your grace, your love, your peace.
Grant us more and more trust in you.
Grant us bold acts for you.
Bless us!
Thank you!
Be praised forever!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you ever have any trust issues with God? What issues have you asked God to solve in your life?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you prayerfully continue your journey of faith! Believe, trust, and respond by faith!

Photo courtesy of James Chen

2 thoughts on “Learning to Walk on the Water

  1. The longer I journey with Him, it is becoming less about walking on water and more about obeying Him when He calls. Great post Mari-Anna, thanks!

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