Spiritual Stone Pathway of Life

Spiritual Stone Pathway of Life

Sometimes our path of life seems so desert-like. Stone after stone after stone. We might feel that God has abandoned us in the middle of nowhere. We would like that our pathway of life would be something else than it is. Or at least we would like to see where we are going.

The picture above reminds me of the fact that, even though, our path seems not to have consistency or any other quality we think a happy path of life should have, there is all that and more. If we only could trust that our kind of path can be good and blessed. When we compare our path of life to other people’s pathway’s of life we get sidetracked.

Look at this beauty! Stone path seen from distance is much more than a rough patch. Stones together create a harmony that we could only dream to create on our own. But if we only see one stone it’s nothing much. If we only see the hardships of everyday life we can’t see the beauty what God is creating. If we only trust our feelings and look at our stones we don’t see what God is doing. We need to focus on God and not to the stones of our lives. We need to focus on God and trust his plan for us. When we give our stones to God, he is delighted to work on us and create a beautiful stone pathway that is full of direction, joy and peace.

Gracious God,

We bring our stones to you.
We give you all that’s dragging us down.
We give you our sorrows.
We give you all our worries.
Take them, take us, cleanse us
and create something beautiful!
Give us your peace and joy!
In Jesus’ name,

Be sure to check out these posts, too!
The Living Stone – theSource of Life
(Re)making Jesus Christ the Center of My Life, part 1/5
Looking For God’s Will? -Steep Yourself in God-Reality (Quest for God’s Will, 1/4)
Genesis – What I Learned This Time Around

Be blessed, fellow pilgrim, as your pathway of life is unfolding!

Photo courtesy of Micah McDowell

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