Breath of God
It’s Melodic Monday! Today’s song is Shane and Shane‘s Breath of God. (Music by Shane Barnard & Caleb Carruth, lyrics by Shane Barnard.) This song is perfect for the Holy Week. Here are the lyrics:
A life you cannot define
A purpose thats benign
They need to see and believe
Be led to the rugged tree
The one on which he cried not for his pain but for our debt
The very same tree that He conquered death
It was an unfair deal on the part of Christ
He got my sin, I got eternal life
Make me the breath of God
And I’ll show them the One that means the most to me
They’ll see the face of love
Be touched by the very One
who died upon the tree
Oh, Make me the breath of God
And I’ll show them the One that means the most to me
They’ll see the face of love
Be touched by the very One
who died upon the tree
Small talk is a better choice
A way to avoid Your voice
I need to feel the dust on my knees
And lead them to the tree
The one on which he cried not for his pain but for our debt
The very same tree that He conquered death
It was an unfair deal on the part of Christ
He got my sin, I got eternal life
Will you follow Me?
Lead them to the tree?
Can’t you just believe?
Will you take a knee?
For eternity?
I’ve always been touched by this song. Today I was even more touched after reading what Shane and Shane had to say about this song on the CD cover:
“What a hand we have been dealt in Christ. Eternal life, communion with Father, purpose, passion, vision, eternal enjoyment and pleasure…in return…Ready? Are you sitting down? -the cross- Whoa!!! What do we do with that? Can’t I do something to earn it, Lord? “the cross” I know, Lord, but if I do enough…“the cross”…Believe it!!!I am banking all I have on you, Lord. There is no plan b. I believe. Use me, God. Allow me to be Your song, Jesus, Your breath and may I enjoy lifting You high.”
Gracious God,
Thank you for your amazing grace.
It humbles us to see how much you love us.
It humbles us to see how much you care for us.
You gave your only Son to die for us
that we could be free to come back to you.
Forgive us, Lord!
Use us, Lord!
Guide us to be your servants.
Guide us to lead others to your cross.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: What’s your reaction to the song?
Other Melodic Monday posts:
Somebody Is Praying Me Through
Speed of Light
Other posts related to grace:
The Case for Wild Grace
Receiving the Grace of Christ – Amazing Race of Amazing Grace
Be blessed! May God touch your heart during this Holy Week!