(Re)making Jesus Christ the Center of My Life, part 4/5.
This is the fourth part of a series looking at how to (re)make Jesus Christ the center of our lives. We’ve talked about focusing on God, repenting and confessing our sins. Today we talk about bearing fruit because fruits should naturally follow repentance and confession. As John the Babtist said “Bear fruit worthy of repentance.”(Matt. 3:8).
Peter is a great example of a person who repented, confessed his sins and then moved on to produce spiritual fruit in his life. The title of the picture “Peter bravely doing his work of healing” tells it all. Peter followed Christ into ministry of preaching, teaching and healing. When we follow our calling and live in grace the Holy Spirit starts bearing fruit in our lives.
How can we bear fruit? When we invite God to live in us, the Holy Spirit starts to renew us. More closely we follow Christ, more we start bearing fruit. But it is not us! It is God in us!
How, then, can we find our calling? God has called us to share his love. What form it will take in our lives is left for us to find out. We are invited to listen to God who will speak to us in many levels, we just need to pay attention. Pray and listen. And watch out! Amazing things are happening!
Gracious God,
Thank you for Peter and other Christians gone before us.
Show us how to be fruitful to glorify you!
Show us how to best serve you.
Bless us so we can bless others.
Thy will be done.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: What is your way to bear fruit?
The fifth and final part of ‘(Re)making Jesus Christ the center of our lives’ will be posted on the 1st of January 2010.