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Tag: self-help

Better Living with Jesus

Better Living with Jesus

You all know how much I love a good, thought-provoking quote, right? I’ve been tweeting them for a decade now. The quote that got me thinking today comes from Corky Calhoun: “How crushing must it be for the Shepherd to pour living water, only to then watch the sheep just sip?” “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew…

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Graceful Change

Graceful Change

Have you asked God to show what this year is all about? How has God responded to you? Or have you asked yourself how you should change this year? How have you responded to that? Too often we try to run our lives without consulting God. We try to decide ourselves what needs to be done and then we proceed to change ourselves according to our plans. And we forget God out of the equation. When God is not part…

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Because of This Light in Us

Because of This Light in Us

Sometimes we think we need to be perfect before God can use us. We try to hide our imperfections or paint over our brokenness. We think if our lives were flawless, we would attract people to God. But that’s not how it works. It’s not about us. It’s about the light in us. And that’s what attracts people to God. The fact that we don’t have to be perfect in order to be accepted by Christ. The fact that the…

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So Long, Silly Self-Help

So Long, Silly Self-Help

Do you try make yourself a better person? Or do you trust God work in you to make you a person of grace? There’s a world of difference between those two ways of life. Self-strength stages an illusion. God creates life. Self-effort causes stress. Jesus provides salvation. Self-help brings exhaustion. The Holy Spirit brings peace. Why is it that stopping self-improvement projects and waiting for God to perform change in us is out of our radar? Why is is that…

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