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Tag: Romans 8:26-27

Called to Pray

Called to Pray

How is your prayer life? Do you know you are called to pray? You know, Martin Luther has said “As is the business of tailors to make clothes and cobblers to make shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray.” It is our business to pray. It is our duty to pray. It is our calling to pray. Like Watchman Nee has written “our prayers lay the track down which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive,…

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Fighting with Prayer

Fighting with Prayer

Why should I pray? Does it really make any difference? God knows everything anyway, you might think. But prayer has been part of Christianity from the beginning. Jesus prayed and he taught us to pray. The Bible is also full of exhortation of prayer. The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. (1 Timothy 2:1, MSG) Prayer seems to be important. I personally vouch for it. I could not…

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The Big Five of the Holy Spirit

The Big Five of the Holy Spirit

What’s the big deal of the Holy Spirit? Why do we need the Holy Ghost? Why should we be excited about the Spirit of God? I’ve collected here my big five reasons why the Holy Spirit is an essential part of spiritual life. 1) The Holy Spirit is a person. For real. The Holy Spirit is not just an abstract thought or impersonal wind. The Holy Spirit is a person who hears, speaks, feels and thinks. The Holy Spirit loves,…

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