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Tag: Prince of Peace

Peace of God

Peace of God

What do you wish for Christmas? The most amazing gift is peace of God. It’s something the world can’t give you. Peace the world gives is something you get when you are able to retreat from your troubles. God’s peace is so strong you can feel a deep peace even in the midst of chaos. How can we attain it? By receiving it in Jesus. For a child has been born for us,    a son given to us;authority rests upon his…

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Letting Go of Shoulds

Letting Go of Shoulds

Do you have a lot of “shoulds” in your life? You should this and that and every other thing. The first step of letting go of shoulds is to change your vocabulary. Replace all the “shoulds” with “it’d be great if”. It’d be great if all things worked out. But if not it’s not the end of the world. This is all great and has helped me to put less pressure on me but I have even better news for…

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