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Tag: love others

How to Walk in Love

How to Walk in Love

We are called to be one in Christ…but we are not succeeding very well, are we? Living in unity seems like a balancing act sometimes. How can we who are so different live in harmony? How can we respect everyone and allow each other freedom in Christ? These are the questions I’ve been mulling over lately. Blessedly I learned five things about how to walk in love from Romans 14:13-23. 1) We need to stop criticizing at once. Everyone we…

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Respond with the Energies of Prayer

Respond with the Energies of Prayer

I always enjoy checking out the verse of the day provided by . Today I was blessed to read a familiar passage in the Message translation. It put it in a new light. The content is the same but the wording is so empowering. I will emphasize what especially touched my core being. “You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your…

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Walking in Love

Walking in Love

We are called to be one in Christ…but we are not succeeding very well, are we? Living in unity seems like a balancing act sometimes. How can we who are so different live in harmony? How can we respect everyone and allow each other freedom in Christ? These are the questions I’ve been mulling over lately. Blessedly I learned five things about walking in love from Romans 14:13-23. 1) We need to stop criticizing at once. Everyone we meet is…

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