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Tag: Leviticus

A God-Filled Life

A God-Filled Life

Salvation is readily available for everyone. We don’t need to wait until heaven to experience the presence of God. We are all called to a God-filled life right here, right now. How do we do that? By repenting and asking God into our hearts. By getting back on the altar. Day after day.God’s readiness to give and forgive is now public. Salvation’s available for everyone! We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how…

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Leviticus & Why God Does Not Fit in a Box

Leviticus & Why God Does Not Fit in a Box

I’ve always wondered why it is a human tendency to try to fit God in a box. What purpose would a-god-small-enough-to-fit-in-a-box serve? Why on earth would we like to want to tame God? I guess, we would like to use God for our own purposes. We would like to say how things should be run in our own lives. We would like to be God. That’s our human sinful nature right there. Our God is wild and holy. There is…

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