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Tag: Jesus’ sacrifice

The Sacrifice We Trust

The Sacrifice We Trust

As we approach Easter, it is good to contemplate on the sacrifice of Jesus and what it means for us. And how it shows in our lives. Or does it at all? Is Jesus’ death on the cross the sacrifice we trust or is it the sacrifice we dust once a year? These thoughts were inspired by this P.T. Forsyth’s quote “Christianity is not the sacrifice we make, but the sacrifice we trust.” It helps us to understand Christian faith…

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Power for Christian Living

Power for Christian Living

Have you given in after trying hard to please God and others? Are you so exhausted that you don’t care anymore? God just must lower his standards and have mercy on you, because you’ve done everything in your power. Do you know what? You’ve got it all wrong. You are not even supposed to do it all on your own or in your power. Actually, no one can do it. No one but Christ in us can live the Christian life….

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