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Tag: James 1:2-4

Testing and Trials – Our Spiritual Refining Process

Testing and Trials – Our Spiritual Refining Process

How do you feel about spiritual testing? Are you tired of trials? I hear you. But, believe me, there’s more to testing and trials than we might think. There’re hidden blessings involved, you know. Each trial has a purpose Warren Wiersbe has said “Life’s trials are not easy. But in God’s will, each has a purpose. Often He uses them to enlarge you.” This already make me feel better of tests and trials. Each trial has a purpose. God has…

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Dependence on God

Dependence on God

How is your day going? How do you stay alert to God and what he is doing in your life? We can’t let routines overtake the preciousness of life or busyness trump the sacredness of life. We truly need to refuse to become so self-sufficient that we forget our total dependence on God and his amazing grace. With the words of Paul Chappell “The mundane tasks of everyday life can lull you to apathy and push God to the back…

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Chasing Ease or Chasing God?

Chasing Ease or Chasing God?

Do you feel God’s nearness? Is your faith flowing? Or are you wondering how on earth did you end up with this penalty loop once more? Faith journey does not have to resemble the Israelites’ journey through the desert. That’s not Biblical living. The journey to the Promised Land could have lasted just a few weeks but it lasted 40 years because all the penalty loops they took. Because they did not obey God. They grumbled instead. They took idols…

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