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Tag: Isaiah 9:6

Hope for People Who Walk in Darkness

Hope for People Who Walk in Darkness

November is a hard month in the northern hemisphere. As days are getting shorter and shorter, it seems our moods are getting darker and darker. It feels like all the weight in the world is on our very own weak shoulders. Will this last forever or is there a way forward? We are in desperate need of hope. Is there any left? Actually, my friend, there is plenty of hope for people who walk in darkness. Nevertheless, that time of…

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Letting Go of Shoulds

Letting Go of Shoulds

Do you have a lot of “shoulds” in your life? You should this and that and every other thing. The first step of letting go of shoulds is to change your vocabulary. Replace all the “shoulds” with “it’d be great if”. It’d be great if all things worked out. But if not it’s not the end of the world. This is all great and has helped me to put less pressure on me but I have even better news for…

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God’s Robust Peace B with U!

God’s Robust Peace B with U!

Why do Christians want to extend peace to each other? What’s the big deal with peace? Those are interesting questions. Everybody thinks peace is nice but God’s robust peace is much more than nice! Let’s find out why. The Amplified Bible provides a neat definition for this heavenly peace: And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot…

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