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Tag: ego

Pride – the Anti-God State of Mind

Pride – the Anti-God State of Mind

Do you know that the enemy uses pride to lure us away from the Lord? It is hard to die for yourself and live only to the Lord. But that’s the calling of every Christian. But we don’t like it. And that’s when the enemy steps in. He tries to make us believe that pride is not really a sin. That we actually deserve some praise and acknowledgement. Slowly the anti-God state of mind starts to grow in us. A…

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Wanted: Humble Hearts 4 God

Wanted: Humble Hearts 4 God

All my Bible readings today spoke about the importance of having a humble heart. The words of Jesus in Matthew 11:29 captured my attention right away: “I’m gentle and humble in heart.” We are called to be like Jesus. “Lord, how can I live this in my life? How can I be gentle and humble in heart”, I pray. I currently reading through Judges. Today’s passage happened to be about Gideon whose faith was even admired in Hebrews (11:32-34). Gideon…

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Exhaling Selfishness, Inhaling the Holy Spirit (re-post)

Exhaling Selfishness, Inhaling the Holy Spirit (re-post)

  Before we can pray, “Lord, Thy Kingdom come,” we must be willing to pray, “My Kingdom go” says Alan Redpath. There really is no room for two kings in a kingdom. There is no room for two bosses in your heart, either. Someone must surrender. Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action…

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