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Tag: dependence on God

Drinking from the Well of Life

Drinking from the Well of Life

During my morning prayer time, I felt strongly God wanted to remind me (and you) he is the Living Water, the source of all the good things, and the spring of life eternal. They are all fantastic things, huge gifts of God to us. He is the provider, we are always the receivers. We just need to abide in him, continually, to keep on receiving. A few hours later, I came across this quote by Gloria Copeland and I realized…

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Rely on God, Not on Yourself

Rely on God, Not on Yourself

We are told from very early on to be independent and self-reliant, preferably efficient and successful. That’s what’s expected of us, right? Then comes Christianity and tells us the opposite: depend on God, not on yourself. This can be really confusing and it can be hard to go against the grain. But the Bible does not mean you would not take care of yourself. Instead, it urges us to rely on God, not on ourselves or other people or money…

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Dependence on God

Dependence on God

How is your day going? How do you stay alert to God and what he is doing in your life? We can’t let routines overtake the preciousness of life or busyness trump the sacredness of life. We truly need to refuse to become so self-sufficient that we forget our total dependence on God and his amazing grace. With the words of Paul Chappell “The mundane tasks of everyday life can lull you to apathy and push God to the back…

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