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Tag: 1 John 4:4

God Is Greater

God Is Greater

How great it is to be alive! We are so blessed. Life is a gift. And even that is not the end of God’s gifts to us. He sent his only Son to get us out of trouble. Because of Jesus we can exchange our shame, pain, and guilt to freedom, joy, and everlasting life. Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn…

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Not a Game, But a Battle

Not a Game, But a Battle

Life is not a game. But it is a battle. How come? Life is not about smelling roses or walking into sunsets. Neither it is about playing hard or finding your rightful place in the world. Life is not just about growing older and doing something meaningful before dying. Because the physical world is not all there is. We can’t forget about the spiritual realm. And that’s why life is not a picnic or a game. It is a battle….

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